JCELP Received Three Accolades in the “Best Practice Awards in Social Welfare”

JCELP Received Three Accolades in the “Best Practice Awards in Social Welfare”

Date: 11/04/2022

The Jockey Club Experiential Learning Project for Students with Special Educational Needs (JCELP) was awarded the Outstanding Social Service Award, Service Delivery Award (Innovative Ideas), and Service Delivery Award (User Participation) in the 2021 Best Practice Awards in Social Welfare organised by the Hong Kong Council of Social Service. Funded by the Jockey Club, this project was planned and implemented by the multi-disciplinary team of HKCS, six intellectually disabled schools, and The Education University of Hong Kong. Through developing an evidence-based pedagogy of special education as well as two innovative teaching methods, namely adventure-based learning and virtual-reality based learning, the project aimed to strengthen the generic skills of students and adults with mild, moderate, and severe intellectual disabilities. Furthermore, through the development of a set of validated measurement tools, their generic skills were systematically assessed, developed, and enhanced so that they could transfer their knowledge and skills to daily life more effectively. In addition, a pilot job placement was created for senior secondary students with intellectual disabilities to work as Adventure Assistant to enhance their sense of self-efficacy.
