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CS Daily:New Book 'Goodbye Mr. Drug'

New Book 'Goodbye Mr. Drug

In 1980s, PS33 Drug Abuse Counseling Center became the first center which provides non-residential detoxification and counselling services for psychotropic substance abusers. Faced with severe challenges in drug addiction counseling over the years, our staff have continued to seek breakthroughs, including the introduction of narrative therapy as an intervention method. The book 'Goodbye Mr. Drug' is edited by Dr. Harris Man-kwong Har, Superintendent, Jockey Club Lodge of Rising Sun, HKCS, and integrate the valuable experience and wisdom of our staff which provides inspirational insights into applying narrative therapy for addiction treatment. It contains theoretical discussions of narrative therapy, case studies, and innovative narrative practices such as 'Outsider Witness'. Through techniques like externalizing conversations, therapeutic documents, reflecting teams, and creative arts, the book illustrates how to re-author new empowering narratives that unlock hidden hopes, strengths, and possibilities for change.

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